Celestron C9.25 and Takahashi EM-200 Astrophotography Test

I evaluated the imaging performance of my Celestron C9.25 XLT on my EM-200 on April 29 and 30, 2011. I had purchased the OTA on Astromart for visual observing. It has performed very well as a visual astronomy tube, and I thought that I should check its imaging potential. The C9.25 at f/10 without field flattener produced star images with typical, but manageable, SCT bloat as expected. However, galaxy imaging performance was much better than I had anticipated. Mirror movement over the evening appeared to have neglible effect on 2 to 5 minute exposures. Good images were obtained using the internal tracking CCD with my ST-10XME or using a guidescope with a separate guide camera (Vixen 60x700 guidescope with Orion Starshoot autoguider run with Maxim DL 5 guiding software.)

Object: M65 in Leo
Equipment: Celestron C9.25 XLT on Takahashi EM-200 mount with Vixen 60X700 guidescope for some images;
SBIG ST-10XME. Some images guided with internal guiding chip. Some images with Orion Starshoot Autoguider on external guidescope.
Exposure/Processing: 15 minutes RGB each 2x2 binning (180sec exposures);
25 minutes L (120 and 300 sec exposures).
Processed Maxim DL and Photoshop.
Location/Date: Gainesville, Florida / April 29-30, 2011

NGC 3628

Object: NGC 3628 in Leo
Equipment: Celestron C9.25 XLT on Takahashi EM-200 mount.
SBIG ST-10XME. Exposures guided with internal guiding chip.
Exposure/Processing: 10 minutes RGB each 2x2 binning (120sec exposures); 33 minutes L (300 and 600 sec exposures).
Processed Maxim DL and Photoshop.
Location/Date: Gainesville, Florida / April 29-30, 2011
Object: M63 in Canes Venatici
Equipment: Celestron C9.25 XLT on Takahashi EM-200 mount.
SBIG ST-10XME. Exposures guided with internal guiding chip.
Exposure/Processing: 10 minutes RGB each 2x2 binning (120sec exposures);
21 minutes L (300 sec exposures).
Processed Maxim DL and Photoshop.
Location/Date: Gainesville, Florida / April 29-30, 2011

C9.25 on EM-200
Celestron C9.25 XLT on Takahashi EM-200 with SBIG ST-10XME.
Vixen 60x700 guidescope with Orion Starshoot Autoguider on
rings mounted to Losmandy DUP plate.
